Results this week
Wednesday, 31st July – 36 players. 3 bowl pairs. Winners – Ray Brown & Ian Cumming +18. Runners up Siggy Rempel & Marie Whitehead +15.
Jackpot of $150 not claimed . Lucky numbers – 1st Greg Fisher $30, 2nd Ross Lloyd $20. We welcomed a new player Kim Johnson.
Sunday, 4th August – 20 players. The game was 2x4x2. Winners – Ian Morffew & Doug McTier +5. Runners up Ray Brown & Dodi Dodman +2.
Jackpot of $68 not claimed.
On Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th August the Joy Johnson Memorial Triples will be held at YMGCR & under this new format the major sponsor will be local builders Lekeal .
Entries have been received from Western Australia, New South Wales (Sydney) & Victoria (Melbourne). Spectators free entry.
At the tournament there will be a “pop up “ shop in the Willow Room thanks to Shepparton Bowls Shop.
During Winter you may have read our results on our web page but have you enjoyed the “Question & Answer” segment on The Rules?
Please make sure you have your name down for pennant, Midweek and/or Weekend, as Selectors have to decide how many teams to enter.