A player in team A suggests that a bowl is out. Skip A checks it and picks it up agreeing that it is out. The opposing Skip objects.
What should be done?
The Skips must agree a bowl is dead before it can be removed. Law 17.3 or 40.1.5
If a player moves a bowl before agreement is reached the opposing Skip must put the bowl back to its former position. Its position can then be checked as to whether it is in bounds. Law
The skip of team A drove at the head and displaced a number of bowls. The three team members of team B, who were standing together at the head, were unable to move quickly enough and some of the bowls in motion were displaced by their feet and caused further displacement of the head.
What action should be taken?
The skip of team A must choose whether to: place the bowl where the skip believes it would have come to rest and replace any part of the head disturbed after the displacement, or declare the end dead. Law