Busy, busy, busy. YMGCR bowlers are spoilt for choice at the present time, with Social Bowls, Club Events and Practice Matches happening nearly every day. The Match Committees and Selectors are keeping us on the go, and the Notice Board lists are being continually utilised.
Club Events
Ladies 100 Up … Down to the semi-finals between Robyn Moore, Caroline Reilly, Anne Miles, and Wendy Liddell.
Ladies 21 Up … Qualifiers Kim Johnston, Laureen Smith, Claire Sanders, Barb Verbunt, Robyn Moore, Anne Miles, Pam Dodman, and Rhonda Irvine.
A reminder to everyone that if you are looking for tournaments around the district, don’t forget the Tournament folder in the Notice Board area has all the flyers that we have received from other Clubs.
O & M Region v Riverina District /Albury District
Ray Irvine has also been chosen for the O & M team for Holbrook. My apologies, Ray.
Region/State Fours
Sectional rounds for both Men and Ladies were last weekend at YMGCR. The bowling lived up to the expected high levels on the top rated greens.
Sectional winners included our girls Anne Miles, Claire Sanders, and Laureen Smith who teamed with Wodonga player, Kylie Whitehead. Sue Middleton and Rhonda Irvine also made it through the Sectional level with Kerry Leask (Benalla) and Beth Parker (St James).
Weekend Pennant Practice
The trip to Wangaratta last Saturday was a great success. The hospitality from Wangaratta Bowls Club was terrific, with both lunch and afternoon tea supplied, and the bowling provided match conditions in preparation for the upcoming Pennant season.
It was great to see the support YMGCR players had for each other, the way they encouraged their fellow team mates, and the friendly atmosphere on the bus and on the green. Let’s make sure this continues throughout the season.
There is no Practice Match this weekend ….Grand Final Day.
Midweek Pennant Practice
A match has been organised for Tuesday, October 1st for YMGCR players. Details are available downstairs on the office windows.
Results this week
Tuesday, 17th September … Ladies Social
Winners : R Moore, J Green, M Morffew (Triples)
C Spinks, B Verbunt (Pairs)
Wednesday, September 18th … Men’s 3 Bowl Pairs
A good field of 36 played last Wednesday.
Winners : J Mc Gough, D Tipping +21
Runners Up : I Morffew, N Windebank +13
Jackpot : Shared between N Loveridge, P Wallis, D Richmond, and G Fisher
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, September 25th …Men’s 3 Bowl Pairs
Thursday, September 26th … Ladies Social
Tuesday, October 1st … Midweek Practice Match
Good Bowling and stay healthy.