Bowls Q&A


In a pennant final the result, after playing the prescribed number of ends, is a tie. A result is necessary. What happens?


All the teams in the sides must play an extra end or ends until a result is obtained .The coaches (or representatives of the sides) must toss a coin and the winner will decide who must play first as described in laws 5.2.2 and 5.2.3. The extra end must be played from where the previous end was completed. The mats shall be placed in accordance with Law 6.1.1 Laws 28.1; 28.2; 28.3; 28.5



In a fours game team A played first. When the skips changed ends the bowl of skip B had been placed on the mat and skip B bowled it, disturbing the head before the mistake was noticed. What should happen?


The opposing skip must choose whether to: leave the disturbed head as it is and have their team play two bowls one after the other to get back to the proper order of play, or replace the head to its former position, and return the bowl to get back to the proper order of play, or declare the end dead. Laws 29.1.3

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