Wednesday Social Nominated Pairs had 20 players and the winners were Doc Martin and Greg Fisher and the runners up were Billy ”The Stick Wizard” Jenkins and Shirley Hummel. How good is it when a player whose bowling career could have been finished with his hand issues, can now get back on the green and enjoy his game of bowls again. (It’s not easy to bowl with a stick, but to Bill’s credit he puts in a lot of practice.)
Sunday we had our annual break up and Presentation Day at the YMGCR Lagoon area at the golf club. WOW what a great setting, with the lagoon as it’s back drop and plenty of room for everybody to mingle and enjoy themselves. Many thanks must go to Ian and Marie Morffew, Barb Tennyson, Bucks Brokenshire, Siggi Rempel and Dev for setting up the tables and doing a fantastic job in bringing it all together (and if I missed anyone I do apologise) and to our MC in Danny McNeill who did a magnificent job keeping the day moving along and the huge job of organizing the yearly bocce tournament. It was great to see about 60 people turn up with their salads and sweets. It certainly put a few extra inches on my stomach. Also we had Norm “Willie Nelson” Price entertain us all afternoon with one great song after another and I certainly went home with a sore throat through singing along with him. (I had a great day ….sore throat and bigger stomach.)
In the knock out rounds of the bocce championships, Judy Green played some big bocce shots to get her team into the final. Her team of Anne Miles, Lyn Baxter went up against an underrated trio of Carolyn Boston, Andy LeFevre and the “Smiling Assassin” or her other nick name “The Songbird”, Cecilia Milne. After winning the toss, Boston immediately put the pressure on by putting her bocce ball inside a foot, Miles wilted, LeFevre did nothing, Baxter faulted and then a determined “Songbird “ who was in the zone got another 2 close and Green could not save her team this time and they lost the first set. Set 2 started with Miles not getting close again (some smarty from the crowd commented “Thank god she can bowl”), Boston seized her chance and jumped all over the jack again. Baxter once again couldn’t handle the pressure and LeFevre who had not contributed all day did nothing again. This time the “Songbird” after a talk with her coach, got back in the zone and went for coverage. Once again it was up to the Green machine to save the day, but 1 person cannot beat 2 up and coming stars of the bocce circuit and the Boston trio won in straight sets . Their prizes were a box of chocolates each and it must have been embarrassing for LeFevre to except his as he was a free loader all tournament.
Poor Bronwyn Lloyd is in for a tough day of washing after her hubby, yes the immaculate Mr Ross Lloyd spilt his shiraz down the front of his shirt. He later explained that this has never happened before because he normally wears a bib when he goes out drinking on his wine nights with his mates.
Our President Greg Fisher welcomed everybody and began to present the prizes and trophies to our new champions:- our lady novice, Lyn Baxter (luckily she can bowl because she can’t play bocce), runner up was Barb Tennyson; men’s novice was won by Col Withers and runner up was Shagga Baxter (who said a few words about his time at the club and how he is enjoying his new sport and he later enjoyed more with a few Carlton Drys); Mixed Pairs was won by Marie Whitehead and Wazza Henderson who beat Robyn Moore and Bob Evans; Ladies Pairs winners were Laureen Smith and Rhonda Irvine who beat Lyn Baxter and Vicki Withers (this is a great effort by 2 beginners who have only been playing for 8 months to not only make the final, but put up a very competitive showing). The men’s pairs have not been played yet. The Ladies Singles Championship was won by Annie Miles once again and she beat Laureen Smith in one of the best finals ever played at our club. Men’s Singles Championship was won by Garry Sanders who beat Andy LeFevre.
Overall the day was an overwhelming success and everybody had a great day, food great, entertainer great and venue great. Let’s hope this event gets bigger and better in the future.