Weekly Report April 25


On Wednesday Social 3 Bowl Pairs we had 37 players grace our magnificent greens and we had 4 two game winners.  Getting the money and the drink card were Les Wilson and “TD” Tony Durkin with +19.  Runners up with +14 were Ian Morffew and Ian Cumming.

Thursday we had our relaxed roll up morning.  Remember there are no lists and you could play any format, so just rock up and have a friendly game and a laugh and coffee.

Sunday we hosted what we hope will be a regular event.  44 bowlers played 3 games of 10 ends and the winners with 50 points were Rory Brown and Cabbage Spencer.  Runners up with 49 points were Senior and Junior Lefevre.  Best 1st game winners were Jock McQualter and Mick Dixon from Yarra, best 2nd game was Neville “Nifty“ Coleman and Les “Bloody“ Wilson and best 3rd game was won by Anne Miles and Laureen Smith.  Also a special award of the best participation award went to Lyn Baxter and Ron Lamson.  We are looking at running it every fortnight at the moment and we would like any feedback on how we can improve the concept, (may be a different format) so keep an eye on the board for the list.

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