Wednesday Social bowls have 20 players and the winners were Ian Morffew and a visitor W Kiley with a +15 score. Runners up with a +11 were Garry Hart and Lyn McGough. Jackpot was won by Doddy Dodman and Marie Morffew and the Lucky number was won by Tony Durkin.
What a day we had for Friday Social Bowls; 56 players, YES I SAID 56. In a great atmosphere the winning combination which was drawn out was Don Ellis and Sammy Smith. Second prize went to Danny McNeill and M Dixon and third prize went to Ian and Marie Morffew (the Morffews had a big week getting plenty of prize money). The girls have put a lot of effort to get this day off the ground and it seems to be getting plenty of support from our YMGCR club mates and our Yarrawonga mates. Next week games are up in the air, so keep an eye out for all the changing Covid situations and if possible we will try and get a game.