Weekly Report April 28


Wednesday Social Bowls.

16 Players participated on the 24th of April for Wednesday Social Bowls. Games were played on the west green and the Wednesday format of two games of 12 ends of 3 bowl pairs was the order of the day. Winning both games in fine style were Rob Lidgerwood (S), and Doug McTier (L). Rob and Doug streeted their opponents to win with plus 24 shots. Runners up were the team Mick Szabo (S), and Taffy Oughton (L) with both games won and plus 18 shots. The Lucky Number was won by Ian Price. The Rolling Jackpot did not go off and this week rises to $80.00


Friday Social Bowls.

The fine autumn weather saw 36 players enjoy the conditions and competition on the 26th of April. Games were played across both greens, which were running well. The winners were Wayne Lowrie and Julian Jones. The runners up were Taffy Oughton and Sue Evans. The consolation prize went to the team of Chris and Ian Price.


YMGCR Bowls Annual General Meeting.

The YMGCR Bowls Section AGM will be held at the Golf Club, this coming Monday the 6th of May, commencing at 7.00pm. All YMGCR Bowlers are encouraged to attend. This is your chance to acknowledge the contributions which have been made to those retiring Committee Members who have made such an important contribution during their time on the Committee. Your attendance is also important, as are your views and opinions, as the upcoming bowling year promises to be one of importance and some watershed challenges. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Until next week, good bowling.

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