Wednesday Social Bowls.
The 1st of May saw a relatively strong turnout of bowlers for Wednesday Social. All games were played on the east green. As is now usual, it was the ever-popular format of 3 bowl pairs over 2 games of 12 ends. Strolling to first prize were the team of Vic Brincat (S), and Lynne Baxter (L), who won their two games with plus 14 shots up. Second place was filled by the pairing of Tony Durkin (S), and Doug McTier (L), who won two games with plus 5 shots. The Lucky Number winners were Neville Coleman and Noel Millar. The Rolling Jackpot didn’t go off, and next week rises to $100.00. Why not take advantage of the continuing fine weather and place your name on the Wednesday Social List, at the bowls office for a great afternoon of bowls. Visitors from surrounding clubs and further afield are most welcome. Visitors, please include your contact phone number.
Friday Social Bowls.
Another strong turnout of 44 players enjoyed the afternoon’s bowls on Friday the 3rd of May. It was great to see friends from Yarrawonga Bowls Club, Club Mulwala and Tungamah Bowls Club, out on the greens enjoying the day. First prize went to Marie and Ian Morffew. The Runners Up prize went Vicky and Col Withers. And the Consolation Prize went to Neville Coleman and Carolyn Boston. As with Wednesday Social Bowls, visitors are welcome, and please include your contact number along with your name, if you are a visitor. Until next week, good bowling.