Wednesday Social Bowls Report.
Changeable weather last Wednesday saw a light muster of 16 players for Social Bowls on the 7th of May. All games were played on the east green with 3 bowl pairs being the format for the day’s play. The Day’s winners, with two games won and plus 16 shots were the team of Peter McKay (S), and Taffy Oulton (L). For second place there was a tie between the team of Les Wilson (S), and Bill Jenkins (L)¸and the combination of Garry Hart (S), and Lynne Baxter (L). Both teams finished with two wins and plus 11 shots. A countback was required to split the teams after which, the team of Les Wilson and Bill Jenkins won second place and Garry Hart and Lynne Baxter in third place.
The Lucky Number winners were Gary Presnell, and a visitor, Rob Banek. The Rolling Jackpot did not go off and next week stands at approximately $120.00.
Friday Social Bowls.
Early on Friday morning with steady rain falling, and threatening skies you could be forgiven for predicting that Friday Social would no go ahead. However, late morning sun ensured that the show would go on. The 44 players who participated would have been pleasantly surprised at the pace the greens were running. The winners were the pairing of Gary Presnell and Frankie Lieberg. Runners up were Peter McKay and Rob Wickham. The consolation prize went to Col Withers and Gary Searman.
Pennant Availability Lists.
Playing lists for those intending to play Weekend and Mid – Week Pennant are now up on the Notice Board at the bowls office. If you are intending to play, can you place your names on the lists promptly. Until next week, good bowling.