Weekly Report June 16


Wednesday Social Bowls.

Chilly albeit fine weather saw a light muster of 12 bowlers soldier arms for Social Bowls on Wednesday the 12th of June. Games were played on the west green, and it was the usual format of two games of twelve ends of 3 bowl pairs. Winners on the day were the team of Don Tipping (S), and Chris Horne (L) who won both their games with a shot total of plus 11. Runners Up were the combination of Barb Tennyson (S), and Neville Coleman (L) with both games won and a shot total of plus 2.


Wednesday Social Bowls Breaking News!

Wednesday Social bowls will be undergoing a change of format in July, with improved prize money, and a new game format with a new concept for deciding the winning rinks. Watch this space for further news over the next few weeks.


Friday Social Bowls.

A solid field of 36 players enjoyed the fine conditions, greens which were running well, and each other’s company last Friday. It was also an endorsement for the Friday format that we continue to welcome friends from Tungamah and Yarrawonga Bowls Clubs as well as the occasional visitors from Melbourne and further afield.

Winning the day were the team of ‘Doddy’ Dodman and Ross Lloyd. Collecting the Runners Up Prize were the combo of Ray Brown and Julian Jones. The consolation prizes of a drink card each were the pairing of Bruce Irvine, (visiting from Melbourne), and Chris Horne, and the team of ‘Doddy’ Dodman and Ross Lloyd.


Weekend and Mid – Week Pennant Lists.

Weekend and Mid – Week Pennant Lists are now up on the Bowls Notice Boards, so if you are intending to play pennant, please add your names to the list as soon as you can. This will enable the selectors to decide how many teams we will be entering for pennant this year. Until next week, good bowling.


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