Weekly Report August 25


Wednesday Social Bowls.

32 players were front and centre for social bowls last Wednesday. 8 rinks across both greens were used for the afternoon’s play, and both greens ran well. Play was in the east west orientation. The day’s winners were the team of Shan and Mike Klodinski. The winners’ runners up prize went to the combination of Rob Hummel and a visitor, Peter Connolly. The loser’s consolation prize went to the pairing of Mick Reilly and Barb Tennyson. Mick Reilly rounded out a profitable day by winning the $20.00 Lucky Number Prize, with Tony Durkin winning the $10.00 Lucky Number Prize.


Friday Social Bowls.

A record field of 56 players shaped up for social bowls last Friday the 23rd of August. Both greens were full of players enjoying the conditions. Winners on the day were Bill Hidson, and completing a successful week of social bowls, Rob Hummel. The winners’ runners up prize went to Chris and Ian Price. Also completing a successful week on the social bowls front, as far as prize winning was concerned, were the team of Shan and Mike Klodinski, who won the losers consolation prize. The Lucky Number prizes were won by two visitors, Keith Allender and Peter Connolly.


The Joy Johnson Memorial Tournament.

As we mentioned last week the joy Johnson ladies invitational tournament will be held this weekend on Saturday the 31st of August and Sunday the 1st of September. As usual it will be a strong field of players with some of the best lady bowlers showcasing their talent. Fine weather is predicted for the weekend, so why not come along and enjoy the action, while enjoying something to eat from the sandwedge and a beverage from the bar.


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