Wednesday Social Bowls.
Last Wednesday saw the change of format / relaunch of Wednesday Social Bowls. 16 players participated, and after the game, all the players that we spoke to had enjoyed the change of format, which has changed from two games of single entry 3 bowl pairs, played over two games of twelve ends, to one game of nominated 3 bowl pairs played over twenty two ends. For the relaunch all games were played on the east green on the north – south orientation, and luckily the weather gods were kind. The winners on the day were the Team of Mick Reilly (S) and Barb Tennyson (L). The losers Consolation Prize went to the combo of Don Tipping (S), and Noel Millar (L). The Lucky Number winners were Neville Coleman and Mick Reilly. Although the format for Wednesdays has changed to nominated pairs, single entries are still welcome, remember to place your names on the Wednesday Social bowls lists at the Bowls Office. If you are entering as a single, could you include a contact telephone number. Just a reminder that visitors from surrounding clubs and further afield are most welcome, and, if you are a visitor could you include a contact telephone number.
Friday Social Bowls.
Due to the rain last Friday, which was welcome on the farm and garden front, Social Bowls did not go ahead. With that in mind this is an opportunity to thank those that that have made Friday Social the success that it is. Those who give their time to ensure Fridays is a well-run popular event are Marie Morffew, Vicki Withers, Carolyn Boston, Jill Lamson and Lynne Baxter. Thank you all for your hard work. As with Wednesday Social Bowls, single entries and visitors from surrounding clubs, and other areas are most welcome, please place your names on the Friday Social Bowls sheets located at the Bowls Office. Single entries, and visitors, could you include a contact telephone number when placing your names on the list. Until next week, good bowling.